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Sandburg Middle School Library Media Center (LMC): Tech Help

Start Here: Chromebook Help

Chromebook Help

Need Technology Help?

  • Students can get help before school by just stopping the LMC before class.  We will write you a pass to class.
  • During the school day, students need to ask their teacher for a pass to visit the library.
  • All technology help will be done in person.  There are no forms to fill out this school year.


Hotspots can be provided to families who do not currently have quality internet access;


Families should continue to follow the District's Family Use Agreement and Acceptable Use policy.

Shutting Down Your Chromebook

Updates will help with some tech issues. But your Chromebook won’t update until you SHUT IT DOWN.

Closing the lid is NOT shutting down! 

Look for this power symbol:

You have 3 options for shutting down:

  1. Hold down the key on your keyboard with the symbol above. 

  2. Click the symbol on your login screen.

  3. Click the area around the time in the bottom right corner of your screen. In the window that opens, click the power symbol at the top.

Image   4148 Winnetka Ave. N.  |  New Hope, MN 55427
Phone: (763) 504-8000  |