MackinVIA Ebooks & AudiobooksThis link opens in a new windowFind ebooks and audiobooks on a wide variety of topics. Includes popular fiction. To login, pull-down the menu to your school and enter your school network username and password.
Worldbook Online- E-Book SuiteThis link opens in a new windowWorld Book Kids is the premier online resource developed especially for young students. The site has been optimized for tablets and features image-based navigation, easy-to-read articles, thousands of images and videos as well as a wealth of engaging games, science projects, and activities.
Rdale Library catalogs - All schoolsThis link opens in a new windowAccess library catalogs for all schools. Locate print and electronic books across the district including our professional library. Find open educational resources by grade level and subject.
WorldCat (National Libraries)This link opens in a new windowFind items in local, regional and national libraries. Items may be available for inter library loan. Ask you library media specialist.
K-5 Research
BrainPop (Clever login, all BrainPop platforms)This link opens in a new windowBrainPOP creates animated, curricular content that engages students, supports educators, and bolsters achievement.
Login with G Suite. Teachers: Ask your library media specialist for your code. Students: ask your teacher for the code.
BrainPop Jr. (Clever login)This link opens in a new windowBrainPop Jr. creates animated, curricular content aimed at K - 3 students.
Britannica SchoolThis link opens in a new windowOffers general information at three educational levels: elementary, middle and high.
Britannica EscolarThis link opens in a new windowEste portal le ofrece recursos de referencia en español en dos interfaces exclusivas — cada una con una enciclopedia adaptada al lector: Enciclopedia Moderna para adultos y estudiantes y Britannica Escolar Online para estudiantes de 6 a 12 años de edad.
Explora KidsThis link opens in a new windowRemote username and password: Rdale, Robbinsdale#281
Contains elementary school-appropriate magazines, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and images. (Includes these current ELM databases: Primary Search and Middle Search Plus.)
PebbleGo / PebbleGo Next GoldThis link opens in a new windowEarly grades: PebbleGo Animals, Animales (español), Science, Ciencia (español), Biographies, Biografías (español), Social Studies, Estudios Sociales (español), Dinosaurs, & Health, Salud (español).
3rd - 6th grade : PebbleGo Next States, Science, American Indian History, Social Studies, Biographies
WorldBook KidsThis link opens in a new windowWorld Book Kids is the premier online resource developed especially for young students. The site has been optimized for tablets and features image-based navigation, easy-to-read articles, thousands of images and videos as well as a wealth of engaging games, science projects, and activities.
NoodleToolsThis link opens in a new windowCreate citations, record and organize notes and manage bibliographies.
Reading PlusThis link opens in a new windowReading Plus is a silent reading intervention that helps students gain proficiency by improving comprehension, reading rate, and vocabulary.
TeachingBooksThis link opens in a new windowTeachingBooks provides a wide variety of resources about books and authors including topical lists and information about authors. Features audio and videos of readings and interviews.® is an education innovation nonprofit dedicated to the vision that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science as part of their core K-12 education. We expand access to computer science in schools, with a focus on increasing participation by young women and students from other underrepresented groups.
Code MonkeyCodeMonkey is an AWARD-WINNING online platform that teaches kids real coding languages like CoffeeScript and Python. Children and teenagers learn block-based and text-based coding through an engaging game-like environment.
CodeSpark AcademycodeSpark’s mission is to help all kids learn to code by igniting their curiosity in computer science and turning programming into play. Our award-winning app is designed to teach kids 5 and up the foundations of computer science through puzzles, coding challenges, and creative tools.
CodestersCodesters combines a fun online coding platform for students, a powerful learning management system for teachers, and built-out coding lessons so you can start teaching kids to code in your school today.